


V-type Optical Delay Line

Kyohei HASHIMOTO, Akihide WADA

従来のU 字型遅延回路より高い時間分解能と高い精度を得ることが可能なV 字型遅延回路を開発し,フェムト秒レーザーパルスの自己相関波形を使用して精度と時間分解能の評価を行った.

We propose a newly designed optical delay line (V-type delay line) that improves the time resolution by a factor of more than five in comparison to that of an ordinary U-type delay line. The V-type delay line has a simple structure and consists of the conventional optical elements such as a motor-driven translational stage (spatial resolution of 1 μm) and mirrors. By measuring an auto-correlation trace of femtosecond pulse, temporal accuracy and repeatability of the V-type delay line were confirmed.

Keywords:optical delay line, time-resolution, femtosecond pulse, time-resolved spectroscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy
