


Spectroscopic Study on Polymer Solution and Emulsion
Using Fluorescence or Deuterium Labeled Compounds

勝本 之晶


sing The conformation, interaction, and dynamics of target functional groups in polymer and surfactant solutions were studied by fluorescence or vibrational spectroscopy with labeling techniques. The rotational relaxation process of polystyrene chains was investigated by measuring the time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy decay curve of an anthryl group end-capped polystyrene. The decay curves observed for the dilute and concentrated polymer solutions are well reproduced by the modified intermittent motion model. The fluorescence of pyrene excimers was monitored in order to reveal the transfer of the internal phase among miniemulsion droplets. It was revealed that the internal phase of miniemulsion droplets is miscible without changing the droplet diameter. The blue shift of the isolated CD stretching band of 2-butoxyethanol observed for the aqueous solution during a dilution process was investigated by infrared spectroscopy with mono-deuterium labeling techniques. The result indicated that the large blue shift of the CD stretching band of the butoxy group mainly arises from the hydration of the ether oxygen atom.

Keywords:Labeled Compounds, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Polymer Solution, Surfactantystems
