2009 Annual Meeting of Spectroscopical Society of Japan


Date November 16-18, 2009
Location The Centennial Hall, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Welcome drink November 16, 2009, (included in registration fee)
Banquet November 17, 2009, (included in registration fee)
Invited talks of
International Symposium
Prof. S. A. Asher (University of Pittsburg, USA)
"Deep UV Resonance Raman Studies of Protein and Peptide Folding: Determination of the Energy Landscape along the Protein Folding Coordinate"
Prof. S. E. Barrett (Yale University, USA)
"Novel Approaches to Spin Control: From Qubits to Skull and Bones"
Prof. M. Lim (Pusan National University, Korea)
"Dynamics of Ligand Rebinding to Heme Proteins Probed by Femtosecond IR Spectroscopy"
Prof. S. Lochbrunner (Universitat Rostock, Germany)
"The Ultrafast Dynamics of Electronic Excitations in Molecular Materials"
Prof. J. Wagner (Fraunhofer-Institute fur Angewandte Festkorperphysik, Germany)
"Stand-off Detection of Hazardous Substances by Infrared Laser Based Backscattering Spectroscopy"
Prof. Y. Hirayama (Tohoku University & ERATO Nuclear Spin Electronics Project)
"NMR and NER in GaAs Quantum Structures"
Prof. A. Hishikawa (Institute for Molecular Science)
"Ultrafast Reaction Imaging by Few-Cycle Intense Laser Pulses"
Prof. S. Nakashima (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
"Characterization of Semiconducting Materials by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy"
Prof. T. Tahara (RIKEN)
"Soft Interface Explored by New Nonlinear Spectroscopy"
Prof. T. Takui (Osaka City University)
"A Few Steps toward Molecular Spin Quantum Computers: Pulsed Electron Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy"
Dr. P. Verma (Osaka University)
"Ultra-high Resolution in Optical Imaging through Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy"
Deadline of
Contributed Papers
September 7, 2009
For paper submission: http://optsci.eng.shizuoka.ac.jp/spsj/submit/
(The web server is not available on August 27 and 28 for maintenance.)
Deadline of
Abstract Submission
September 28, 2009
Deadline of Registration October 31, 2009
For registration: http://optsci.eng.shizuoka.ac.jp/spsj/regist/
(The web server is not available on August 27 and 28 for maintenance.)


November 16
9:50~9:55 Opening Remarks
9:55~10:05 Presentation of Awards
10:05~11:55 Award Lectures
12:00~13:30  Luncheon Seminar I
International Symposium on "Application of Spectroscopy to Research and Development"
Scope: Spectroscopy is widely used in various areas concerning polymers, semiconductors, functional materials, medicine, pharmacy, etc. Recent technical advances have made it possible to obtain conventional spectra and/or two-dimensional chemical images from nano-scale space, ultrafast time domain, huge molecules like proteins, interfaces, etc. In this symposium, new paradigms will be presented and discussed, and we are aiming to promote further advances in spectroscopy.
13:30~14:10  [Invited Lecture] "Deep UV Resonance Raman Studies of Protein and Peptide Folding: Determination of the Energy Landscape along the Protein Folding Coordinate"
(Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburg, USA) S. A. Asher
14:10~14:50 [Invited Lecture] "Dynamics of Ligand Rebinding to Heme Proteins Probed by Femtosecond IR Spectroscopy"
(Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University, Korea) M. Lim
14:50~15:05 "Time-Domain Theoretical Calculations of One- and Two-Dimensional Vibrational Spectra: Method and Applications to Liquids and Peptides"
(Shizuoka University) H. Torii
15:05~15:20 Break
15:20~16:00 [Invited Lecture] "Characterization of Semiconducting Materials by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy"
(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) S. Nakashima
16:00~16:40 [Invited Lecture] "Ultra-high Resolution in Optical Imaging through Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy"(Department of Frontier Biosciences and Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University) P. Verm

[Invited Lecture] "Ultrafast Reaction Imaging by Few-Cycle Intense Laser Pulses"
(Institute for Molecular Science) A. Hishikawa


"Properties of a Metal Clad Waveguide Sensor on a Nanoporous/Aluminum Multilayer Film"
(Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University) K. Hotta, A. Yamaguchi, N. Teramae

17:35~18:35 Free Welcome Reception

November 17
9:45~10:25  [Invited Lecture] "The Ultrafast Dynamics of Electronic Excitations in Molecular Materials"
(Institut fur Physik, Universitat Rostock, Germany) S. Lochbrunner
10:25~11:05 [Invited Lecture] "Soft Interface Explored by New Nonlinear Spectroscopy"(RIKEN) T. Tahara
11:05~11:20 Break
11:20~12:00 [Invited Lecture] "Stand-off Detection of Hazardous Substances by Infrared Laser Based Backscattering Spectroscopy"
(Department of Optoelectronic Modules, Fraunhofer-Institute fur Angewandte Festkorperphysik, Germany) J. Wagner
12:00~13:30 Luncheon Seminar II
13:30~15:00 Poster (Presentation of Odd No. Posters)
15:00~15:15 "Diagnosis of Urban Air Quality by Laser Spectroscopy - OH Radical Reactivity Study by Pump and Probe Technique -"
(1Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University,2National Institute for Environmental Study, 3Atmospheric Chemistry Division, NCAR) Y. Kajii1, Y. Nakashima1, S. Kato1, S. Kobayashi2, A. Guenther3
15:15~15:30 "Spectrographs and Gratings for the Subaru Telescope and for Plasma Diagnoses"
(1Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, 2Graduate School of Science, Japan Women's University, 3Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 4Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, 5National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 6Nano-Optonics Energy, Inc., 7Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University) N. Ebizuka1, K. Nakajima2, K. Kodate2, T. Ichikawa3, T. Yamada3, K. Kawabata4, T. Hattori5, M. Iye5, H. Tokoro6, 7, Y. Hirahara7, S. Sato7, Masaru Hori1

[Invited Lecture] "Novel Approaches to Spin Control: From Qubits to Skull and Bones"
(Departments of Physics and Applied Physics, Yale University, USA) S. E. Barrett

16:10~16:25 Break
16:25~17:05 [Invited Lecture] "NMR and NER in GaAs Quantum Structures"
(Tohoku University & ERATO Nuclear Spin Electronics Project) Y. Hirayama
17:05~17:45 [Invited Lecture] "A Few Steps toward Molecular Spin Quantum Computers: Pulsed Electron Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy"
T. Takui (Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University)
17:45~19:45 Free Banquet

November 18
Oral Presentations

10:00~10:15  "Analysis of Temperature and Density of 4S'[1/2]0 Level using ArI 4S'[1/2]0 - 4P'[3/2]1 Spectrum"
(Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University) Y. Yasuda, N. Nishimiya, Y. Ono, M. Suzuki
10:15~10:30 "High-Diffraction-Efficiency and Wide-bandwidth Volume-Phase-Holographic Grating for Near-infrared Astronomy"
(Graduate school of Science, Japan Women’s University) K. Nakajima, K. Kodate
10:30~10:45 "Factors Affected Accuracy of Non-invasive Blood Glucose Measurement by NIR Short-Wavelength Spectroscopy"
(1Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2National Food Research Institute) Y. Uwadaira1, N. Adachi1, A. Ikehata2, S. Saranwong2, S. Kawano1,2
10:45~11:00 Break
11:00~11:15 "New Development of Far-Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy"
(1School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University, 2National Food Research Institute, 3Kurabo Industries Ltd.) Y. Ozaki1, A. Ikehata2, Y. Morisawa1, N. Higashi3
11:15~11:30 "Characterization of Silicon nanostructures by Near-Field Raman Spectroscopy"
(Toray Research Center Inc.) M. Murakami, K. Matsuda, M. Yoshikawa
11:30~11:45 "Closely Adjacent Ag Nanoparticles Stabilized by Cations with Respect to Nano-Gap SERS"
(Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University) M. Futamata, E. Yu, T. Kokubun, T. Ayatori
11:45~12:00 "Experimental Verification of a SERS Two-Fold Electromagnetic Enhancement Model"
(1AIST, 2Kwansei Gakuin University, 3The University of Tokyo) T. Itoh1, K. Yoshida1,2, H. Tamaru3, B. Vasudevanpillai1, M. Ishikawa1, Y. Ozaki2
12:00~13:30 Luncheon Seminar III
13:30~15:00 Poster (Presentation of Even No. Posters)
15:00~15:15 " High-resolution Infrared Spectrum of NO3 and vibarational assignments"
(1Okayama University, 2Hiroshima City University, 3Tokyou Institute of Technology, 4The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) K. Kawaguchi1, T. Ishiwata2, I. Tanaka3, E. Hirota4
15:15~15:30 "Three Fluorescence Wavelength Corrected Measurements in Ca Indicator-Protein Interactions for Determine Ca Ion Concentration with Two-Photon Excitation Methods"
(1Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, 2Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia) A. Miyakawa1, A. S. Muhammad Noor1,2, Y. Kawata1
15:30~15:45 "Two-Dimensional Structural Analyses of Pentacene Thin Films in Organic Thin-Film Transistors by Raman Imaging"
(Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University) K. Seto, Y. Furukawa
15:45~16:00 Break
16:00~16:15 "Dynamics of Photo-Induced Phase Transition in an Organic Conductor by Picosecond Infared Vibrational Spectroscopy"
(1Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2Kyoto University, 3Meijo University) K. Onda1, M. Shimizu1, T. Ishikawa1, Y. Okimoto1, S. Koshihara1, X. Shao2, Y. Nakano2, H. Yamochi2, G. Saito2
16:15~16:30 "Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics of Photogenerated Electrons in Anatase-Rutile Coupled TiO2 Nanoparticles"
(Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University) T. Chen, K. Iwata
16:30~16:45 "Development of ICP Elemental Measurement System for Single Cell Analysis"
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Energy Sciences) K. Shigeta, N. Nakashima, T. Iwai, H. Miyahara, A. Okino
16:45~17:00 "Collision-Energy Resolved Penning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Amino Acids in the Gas Phase"
(1Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 2Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute) Y. Yamakita1, K. Ohno1,2
17:00~17:20 Awarding Ceremony and Closing Remarks

Poster Presentations
Presentation at 13:30~15:00 on November 17
P1  "Ultrafast Intramolecular Charge Transfer Dynamics in Polar Carotenoid"
(1Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, 2JST/CREST, 3South Product Co. Ltd.) D. Kosumi1,2, T. Kusumoto1,2, R. Fujii1,2, M. Sugisaki1,2, M. Iha3, H. Hashimoto1,2
P3  "Study on Chemical Doping to Organic Semiconductors by Raman Spectroscopy"
(Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University) Y. Tanaka, H. Yoshii, Y. Furukawa
P5 "Label-Free DNA Aptasensors Based on Abasic Site-Binding Fluorescence Molecules"
(Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University) Y. Sato, Z. Xu, S. Nishizawa, N. Teramae
P7 "Imaging of Self-Assembled Monolayer on Pt Substrate with Radial Beam Excited SHG Microscopy"
(1Institute for Nanoscience Design, Osaka University, 2Graduate School of Engineering Science Osaka University, 3Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo) H. Niioka1, K. Ashida2, K. Yoshiki3, T. Araki2, M. Hashimoto2
P9 "Signal Contamination of the Three-Color CARS Process Observed in an Oscillator Based Multiplexed CARS Microscopy"
(1Nanophotonics Laboratory, RIKEN, 2CREST, Japan Corporation of Science and Technology, 3Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University) K. Furusawa1, N. Hayazawa1,2, S. Kawata1,2,3
P11  "Method of Optimizing Plasmon Resonance Wavelength in Metal Coated TERS Probe Using Refractive Index Modification"
(1RIKEN, 2Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) A. Taguchi1, N. Hayazawa1, Y. Saito2, H. Ishitobi1, A. Tarun1, S. Kawata1,2
P13  "Near-Field Absorption Measurements for Nanoscale Imaging"
(1Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University, 2RIKEN) Y. Saito1, S. Yasugi1, P. Verma1, S. Kawata1,2
P15 "Stimulated Photon-Echo Measurements of b-Carotene"
(Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University and CREST-JST) M. Sugisaki, D. Kosumi, K. Saitoh, H. Hashimoto
P17 "Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of Dye Monolayers Chemisorbed on Thin Silica Layers in Aqueous Environments"
(1Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, 2Center for Quantum Life Sciences, Hiroshima University, 3Institute for Nanoscience Design, Osaka University, 4Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University) S. Konishi1,2, A. Padermshoke2, T. Maeda1,2, M. Ara3, H. Tada4, T. Ishibashi1,2
P19 "Resonant Raman Observation of Cells by Deep UV Raman Micro-Spectroscopy"
(1Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2RIKEN, 3CREST) Y. Kumamoto1, A. Taguchi2, S. Kawata1,2,3

"Effects of Conformation and Hydrogen Bonding on the C=C and NCN Stretching Raman Bands of N-deuterated Histidinium"
(Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University) H. Hiramatsu, H. Takeuchi

P23 "Optical Waveguide Sensing for a Study of Adsorption and Desorption Kinetics"
(Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University) H. Arafune, K. Hotta, A. Yamaguchi, N. Teramae
P25 "Measurements of the Absorption Line Parameters of the H2O and CO2 Bands at Room Temperature"
(1Meteorological College, 2Morioka Local Meteorological Observatory, 3Saga Local Meteorological Observatory) M. Fukabori1, T. Fukuura1,2, M. Yoneda1,3
P27 "Total OH Reactivity Measurement for Investigation of Unknown Species"
(1Faculty of Urban Environmental Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection, 3Social and Environmental Systems Division, National Institute for Environmental Study, 4Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Institute for Environmental Study, 5Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University) Y. Nakashima1, N. Kamei1, H. Tsurumaru1, T. Osada1, K. Yamazaki1, K. Miyazaki1, S. Kato1, K. Ishii2, H. Konno3, S. Kobayashi3, R. Uchida4,5, S. Fukuda4,5, T. Imamura4, Y. Kajii1
P29 "A Novel Technique for Selective Measurement of Atmospheric HO2 and RO2 Radicals Concentrations by Using Denuding Method: A New Aspect of Peroxy Radicals Heterogeneous Loss Process."
(1Tokyo Metropolitan University, Graduate school of Urban Environmental Sciences, 2Japan Society for Promotion of Science, 3Universit´e des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, 4University of Leicester) K. Miyazaki1,2, A. E. Parker3, C. Fittschen3, P. S. Monks4, Y. Kajii1
P31 "A2P-X2S+ Electronic Spectrum of Jet Cooled MgOH"
(Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University) M. Fukushima, T. Ishiwata
P33 "Optical Manipulation of Spins and Optically Induced Spin Echoes"
(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University) T. Moriyasu, T. Yamauchi, Y. Koyama, T. Kohmoto
P35 "Optically Induced Magnetization and Fast Spin Dynamics in Nikel Oxide"
(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University) T. Kohmoto, H. Jinn, T. Yamauchi, Y. Koyama, T. Moriyasu
P37 "Facing Target Sputtering Plasma Spectrometer Using a Ti:sapphire Laser"
(Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University) Y. Ono, Y. Yasuda, N. Nishimiya, M. Suzuki
P39 "Development of New Raman Micro-Spectrometer for Measurement of Low-Frequency Region (>10 cm-1)"
(School of Science, The University of Tokyo) S. Tominaga, H. Okajima, H. Hamaguchi

Presentation at 13:30~15:00 on November 18
P2 "Molecule Filter Based on a Structural Change of Lipid Bilayer at Small Space"
(Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University) H. Nabika, T. Sumida, K. Murakoshi
P4 "Development of 1064 nm Excited Multichannel Raman Microspectroscopic System and Its Application to Biological Sample Measurements"
(School of Science, The University of Tokyo) M. Ando, H. Hamaguchi
P6 "SERS Study of Rotational Isomerization of Cysteamine Induced by Magnetic Particles"
(Osaka University) T. Goto, H. Watarai
P8 "Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Using Nanogap Mode of Surface Plasmon"
(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Saitama University) M. Futamata, Y. Ei-Ei, T. Kokubun, T. Yanatori
P10 "Emission Spectroscopy of Unstable Molecules in Discharge Plasma by Using Mid-IR High-Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph"
(1Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, 2Nano-Optonics Energy, Inc. 3Faculty of Science, Nagoya University, 4Faculty of Science, Okayama University) Y. Tatamitani1, T. Hirao1, T. Yonezu1, T. N. Oka1, H. Tokoro2, N. Ebizuka3, Y. Hirahara1, K. Kawaguchi4
P12  "The Structural Analysis of the Nucleosome Core by NMR Spectroscopy"
(Yokohama City University, Graduate School of Nanobioscience) Y. Moriwaki, M. Sato, A. Nagadoi, Y. Nishimura
P14 "Structural Studies on the Presumed Chromodomain from a Histone Acetyltransferase, Esa1"
(1Graduate School of Nanobioscience, Yokohama City University, 2 Laboratory of Developmental Biology, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, University of Tokyo) H. Shimojo1, N. Sano2, Y. Moriwaki1, M. Okuda1, M. Horikoshi2, Y. Nishimura1
P16 "Analysis of Molecular Orientation in Thin Films of Tetracene on the Basis of the Polarized Raman Spectra of Its Single Crystal"
(Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University) H. Kishida, Y. Furukawa
P18 "Temperature Measurements of Organic Liget-Emitting Diordes by Raman Spectroscopy"
(Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University) M. Hirose, Y. Furukawa
P20 "Infrared Electroabsorption Spectra of Water"
(Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University) K. Seyama, Y. Furukawa
P22 "lnfrared Spectra of Coumarin Included in Cyclodextrin"
(1School of Science, Kitasato University, 2United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) M. Obayashi1, A. Nagao2, M. Takayanagi2
P24 "Real-Time CARS Imaging of Local Disruption and Reaction of Living Cell Induced by Near-Infrared Laser Ablation"
(1Graduate School of Engineering Scinece, Osaka University, 2Institute for Nanoscience Design, Osaka University) T. Minamikawa1, H. Niioka2, T. Araki1, M. Hashimoto1
P26 "Nanosecond Time-Resolved Electroluminescence Study of Organic Electroluminescence Devices by Using a Streak Camera"
(Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University) R. Minemura, A. Sakamoto
P28 "Two-Photon Induced Polymer Nanomovement"
(1RIKEN, 2Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 3The Institute of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology) H. Ishitobi1, T. Hiramatsu2, Z. Sekkat1-3, S. Kawata1,2
P30 "Spectroscopic Measurement of Trace Elements in a Single Nano-Liter Sample Using Droplet Nebulizer"
(1Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2Department of Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 3Integrated Research Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology) T. Iwai1, N. Nakashima2, K. Shigeta2, H. Miyahara2, A. Okino2,3
P32 "Spectroscopic Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma for Anesthetic Gas Decomposition"
(1Department of Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology) T. Tamura1, R. Sasaki1, H. Miyahara1, A. Okino1
P34 "Spectroscopic Measurement of Atmospheric Line Plasma Source for High-Speed Hydrophilization"
(1Department of Energy of Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2Integrated Research Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology) H. Hirai1, S. Yamasaki1, R. Sasaki1, H. Miyahara1, R. Shimada2, A. Okino1,2
P36 "Spectroscopic Characteristics of Helium Plasma Ionization Detector (HPID) for Gas Chromatography (GC)"
(1Depertment of Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2J-SCIENCE LAB Co., Ltd.) Y. Takahashi1, O. Fujita2, Y. Nagata1, S. Miyahara1, Y. Toyoura2, A. Okino1
P38 "Development and Application of Natural Circular Dichroism Measurement System Extended to Extreme Ultraviolet Region Using Polarization-Modulated Undulator."
(1Research Institute of Instrumentation Frontier, AIST, 2Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University) M. Tanaka1, K. Yagi-Watanabe1, K. Nakagawa2